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clindamycin gel pregnancy :: Article Creator Maternal Vs. Fetal Rights Forcing Pregnant Women to do as They're Told:Maternal vs. Fetal Rights By Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez Janet Rowen may be incarcerated because she is pregnant. Her doctor, Marion Smyth, thinks Janet drinks too much alcohol and has repeatedly advised her of the risks her drinking poses to the child she has chosen to have. Heavy alcohol use during pregnancy can result in "fetal alcohol syndrome." Infants with this syndrome suffer from mental retardation and physical deformities and have an increased chance of dying shortly after birth. Janet is unwilling to cut down on her drinking. Dr. Smyth is seeking a court order that would incarcerate Janet for the duration of her pregnancy, forcing her to follow Dr. Smyth's medical advice. Research in medicine continues to reveal more and more ways in which a baby's health can be jeopardized by what a woman doe...
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