Immunization card compulsory for admission in govt schools - Devdiscourse

A district in Arunachal Pradesh has decided to make immunization cards mandatory for admission of children in government schools with a view to increasing the immunization percentage, an official said. The decision was taken during a joint meeting of the District Task Force on Immunisation (DTFI) and the District Quality Assurance Committee (DQAC) under the District Health Society of Lower Subansiri district on Tuesday.
Chairing the meeting Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Lending Chatung said the decision to make immunization cards mandatory for admission of children in government schools will improve the immunization percentage of the district and ensure a pool of healthy children. The DAC is responsible for the operationalization of quality assurance committees and units, assessment of health facilities, monitoring of key performance indicators and facility scores, initiation of rapid movement events and strengthening of drug and logistic systems.
Observing that the various infrastructural and aesthetic gaps of health centers identified under the Kayakalp scheme across the district have not been communicated to the district medical officer and the deputy commissioner, Chatung suggested for endorsing a copy of such information for early perusal with the government, an official communique informed. While reviewing the Intensified Pulse Polio Immunisation (IPPI) that was conducted on January 19 last, Chatung congratulated the District Health Society team for achieving 104 percent immunization coverage.
A total of 384 medical staff, ASHAs and Anganwadi workers together covered 96 polio booths across the district to achieve the target. District Reproductive and Child Health Officer (DRCHO) Dr. Derin Likar said, "The sole motto of Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) is to ensure no child or a pregnant woman is left out of the immunization program. We ensure that refusal cases where a parent denies vaccinating their children is suitably convinced." District Medical Officier (DMO) Dr. Tage Kanno and representatives from Apatani Women Association also gave suggestions to improve the quality of health services in the district, the communique added.
(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
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