Dozens rally in Eugene against bill that would limit immunization exemptions - KEZI TV

EUGENE, Ore. -- Dozens rallied in front of the Lane County Courthouse Saturday encouraging people to say no to a house bill that if passed, would require parents to vaccinate their kids.

House bill 3063 cleared its first hurdle through the Oregon Legislature, and is now making its way to a committee.

KEZI spoke with people at the rally who said the focus of the event wasn't being for or against vaccinations.

“It's not a pro or anti vaccine issue for me,” said a Eugene resident who asked to remain anonymous. “It’s about freedom of choice because I believe that each parent and each person has a right to determine what they put in their bodies and what they don't put in their bodies."

The bill would require children be vaccinated in order to attend school, and get rid of the state's non-medical exemptions.

This means parents would no longer be able to claim religious or personal reasons for exemptions.

The bill was introduced following a measles outbreak in southwest Washington earlier this year that spread to the Portland area.

“This bill will alienate and demonize children,” said attendee Stacey Black. “It will make them feel...they were born this way and it will make them feel like they are disease carrying vectors and not good enough to sit in the classroom and ask a teacher a question."

The FDA has deemed vaccines safe, and doctors stress they save lives.

This rally was one of five held Saturday across the state. Others were held in Salem, Portland, Bend and Medford.


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