Over 50 vendors at Senior Focus, focusing on free health services - KFDX - Texomashomepage.com

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) — Flu season peaks between October to March and because flu shots take 2 to 3 weeks to build up in the system, medical officials urge the public to get in now to receive their shot.

Flu symptoms range but can include fever, chills and sweats, body aches, stomach nausea, and respiratory symptoms like runny nose, nasal congestion and a sore throat. Though, getting the shot can prevent flu symptoms significantly.

“If you do have the flu shot and you do get the flu by some chance, then usually your symptoms are lessened by that,” English Pharmacy Pharmacist Jason Bobbitt said.

If you’re one of the first 400 in the door at this year’s Senior Focus event, you’ll get a free flu shot and a full panel blood screening from United Regional physicians.

Dr. Morrison said the opportunity for free healthcare isn’t one to pass up.

“Arguably, you know, public health initiatives like immunizations and screening tests are some of the best interventions that medicine really has to offer,” United Regional Urologist Doctor Paul Morrison said. “They’ve been the most successful over the decades of improving healthcare for everyone in the population.”

During Senior Focus, Dr. Morrison will be one of many physicians available at the United Regional Health Booth for urology-related questions, as well as giving a talk on overactive bladder and incontinence issues.

“Incontinence is treatable and so there is, you know, therapies that we can offer to people to improve their quality of life,” Dr. Morrison said.

Dr. Morrison will be talking about treatments and why incontinence and an overactive bladder is not age-related issues you have to live with.

The annual Senior Focus event is tomorrow at the MPEC, with over 50 vendors for health and human services. Senior Focus runs from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday and admission is just $2.

If you pay a visit, you’ll also see our weather team and area storm spotters there to help program your weather radio, which you can purchase at the United Supermarket Table right there at Senior Focus.



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