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Health Tests & Screenings Every Woman Should Get

Depending on a woman's age and stage of life, certain health screenings and tests are recommended to identify the presence of various medical conditions or early signs that they're developing. While there are general guidelines for which tests to have and when, you may need to get screened sooner or more often than what's generally recommended, depending on your personal and family medical histories.

"Coming up with a [universal] proper age for a screening test is really hard because you have to factor in costs and personal risk factors," says Heather Hirsch, M.D., clinical program director of the Menopause & Midlife Clinic at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

Many of these tests can be performed in your doctor's office while others require a visit to a radiology center.

Blood Pressure Test

Why it's important: High blood pressure (hypertension) can significantly increase your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, dementia, kidney problems, vision problems and sexual dysfunction. It's dubbed the "silent killer" because there typically aren't any obvious symptoms that signal something is wrong.

What it is: A blood pressure test involves the use of an instrument called a sphygmomanometer in your doctor's office. It has a cuff that inflates with air, a meter that measures air pressure in the cuff, and a stethoscope that allows your doctor to listen to the sound the blood makes as it flows through the major artery found in your upper arm. You can also buy a blood pressure monitor for home use, but note that not all blood pressure monitors are created equal—and some may not offer accurate readings under certain circumstances. Be sure to check with your doctor about brands and types they recommend, and directions on how to get an accurate reading.

How often you should get it: Everyone ages 18 and older without known hypertension should have their blood pressure measured, but how often depends on your blood pressure. If it's below 120/80 mmHg, which is considered the upper limit of normal, the American Heart Association recommends having it checked at least once every two years starting at age 20, while the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening every three to five years for low-risk people, ages 18 to 39. Meanwhile, the USPSTF recommends an annual screening for high-risk individuals and those ages 40 and older. If your blood pressure is higher or you're being treated for high blood pressure, your doctor may want to check it more frequently.

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Lipid Panel

Why it's important: If you have too much cholesterol, a waxy-like substance found in all cells of your body, it can build up with other substances in your blood and form plaque, increasing your risk for heart disease and stroke. Like hypertension, high cholesterol typically has no signs or symptoms.

What it is: A lipid panel, sometimes called a cholesterol test, requires a blood sample, which is drawn at your doctor's office or a nearby lab. The sample is then used to evaluate levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL, the "bad" cholesterol), high-density lipoprotein (HDL, the "good" cholesterol) and triglycerides in your blood. You may be advised to avoid eating or drinking anything (other than water) for eight to 12 hours before the test.

How often you should get it: Young adults between the ages of 17 and 21 should have their cholesterol checked, and most experts agree on a cadence of every five years. However, shorter screening intervals are often recommended for people with abnormal lipid levels, those on certain medications and high-risk individuals—which typically includes people with diabetes, those with a personal history of heart disease or a family history of cardiovascular disease, people who use tobacco, people who have hypertension and people with obesity.

Screening for Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes

Why it's important: Diabetes—a medical condition that occurs when your blood sugar is too high—can affect your health from head to toe, increasing your risk of vision problems, cardiovascular disease and stroke, high blood pressure, kidney disease, neuropathy (nerve damage) and skin and foot problems. Approximately 1 in 3 people have pre-diabetes .

What it is: A diabetes test requires a blood sample, which is drawn at your doctor's office or a lab. You can have a blood sugar test taken at any time without fasting, but other types of diabetes tests include:

  • A1C test: This blood test measures your average blood sugar levels over the past three months.
  • Fasting blood sugar test: Your blood sugar is measured after an overnight fast, which consists of not eating or drinking anything but water since the previous night.
  • Glucose tolerance test: This test measures your blood sugar before and after you drink a drink containing glucose. You fast before this test and then, after drinking the glucose drink, you have your blood sugar tested again at certain intervals. Note that this test is rarely used, with the exception of pregnant people when screening for gestational diabetes.
  • How often you should get it: The USPSTF currently recommends adults between the ages of 35 and 70 who are overweight or obese be tested for diabetes every three years. Note that the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, though, recommends routine testing for those between the ages of 19 and 40 who are overweight, obese or have other diabetes risk factors. Be sure to talk to your doctor about when—and how often—you should get tested.

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    Cervical Cancer Screening

    Why it's important: Cervical cancer used to be one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths among women in the U.S. Rates have decreased, though, thanks to the widespread use of the Pap test, which can detect cellular changes of the cervix before they become cancerous. Additionally, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine helps protect against HPV infections most commonly linked to cervical cancer.

    "The HPV vaccine is so effective at decreasing the risk of HPV and cervical cancer," says Dr. Hirsch. "And cervical cancer is so preventable with regular screenings." If abnormal cells are found on the cervix during a screening, they can be removed at a later date.

    What it is: With the Pap test (commonly referred to as a Pap smear), a healthcare professional places a speculum inside the vagina, lightly scrapes cells from the woman's cervix and sends them to a lab to look for precancerous changes. With the HPV test, healthcare professionals look for the high-risk types of HPV, the primary cause of cervical cancer, in a sample of cells from the cervix. Both tests can be conducted at the same time.

    How often you should get it: You should start getting cervical cancer screenings at age 21. If the results are normal, you may be able to wait three years until your next one and stick with that interval until you're 29. Between the ages of 30 and 65, you can have a combination of the Pap and HPV tests—an approach called co-testing—every five years if your results are consistently normal. You can also have a Pap test every three years—assuming the results are normal—or you can have an HPV test every five years, if the results are normal. After age 65, there's generally no need for further testing in women of average risk (that have had adequate prior testing with negative results) for cervical cancer.

    Breast Cancer Screening

    Why it's important: After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the U.S. Having regular mammograms is the best way for doctors to find breast cancer early (when it's most treatable) and often years before it can be felt.

    What it is: A mammogram is an X-ray of your breast tissue. Two special plates on the machine flatten the breast, holding it in place while the X-ray is taken. Mammograms can be performed at a radiology or imaging center or at a hospital.

    How often you should get it: There isn't a consensus on how often you should get a mammogram. The American Cancer Society advises women to start getting mammograms every year between the ages of 45 and 54 and then every two years after age 55. Meanwhile, the USPSTF recommends women have mammograms every other year between the ages of 50 and 74, while the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends women start receiving mammograms every one to two years, beginning at age 40 to 50, up until age 75.

    All of these recommendations assume the results of the mammograms are normal and that the woman is at average risk for breast cancer. Given the disparity in recommendations, "the best thing is to engage in shared decision-making with your doctor," says Dr. Hirsch. Your doctor may also recommend different screening intervals based on your own, personal risk factors.

    Bone Density Screening

    Why it's important: Bone density screenings check for osteoporosis, a disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little of it or both. These screenings can estimate your risk of breaking a bone before it happens.

    What it is: Typically, a central DXA machine—a type of X-ray scanner—measures bone density in the hips and spine, partly because people with osteoporosis have an increased risk of fracturing these bones. What's more, bone density in these areas can predict the risk of future breaks in other bones. Private radiology groups, hospital radiology departments and some medical practices offer this test.

    How often you should get it: The USPSTF recommends women ages 65 and older be screened for osteoporosis, as well as younger women who are at increased risk—either because they regularly take certain medications that compromise bone density, have a parent who fractured a hip, smoke, consume excessive alcohol or have low body weight. There is limited evidence, though, that repeated screenings are beneficial in predicting bone fractures four and eight years after the initial screening, according to the taskforce.

    However, not all physicians agree with these guidelines. Dr. Hirsch, for example, recommends having a baseline bone density test two to three years after menopause.

    "We lose the vast majority of bone when we lose estrogen, which happens when we go through menopause," she says. "So I think that's the right time to check. We don't put enough emphasis on osteopenia [a condition involving low bone mass]—we could monitor and treat it just like we do with pre-diabetes and prevent it from progressing."

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    Colorectal Cancer Screening

    Why it's important: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. "When it's caught early, it's very treatable," says Dr. Hirsch, adding that it's even preventable if polyps (abnormal tissue growth) are removed before they have a chance to become cancerous.

    What it is: There are several screening tests for colorectal cancer:

  • Stool tests: These tests include a guaiac-based fecal occult blood test (gFOBT), which relies on a chemical to detect blood in the stool (done annually); the fecal immunochemical test (FIT), which uses antibodies to detect blood in the stool (done annually); and the FIT-DNA test, which looks for altered DNA in the stool, in addition to blood in the stool (done every three years). With all of these tests, you collect a stool sample at home and send it to a lab for analysis.
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy: A doctor places a short, thin, flexible and illuminated tube into your rectum to check for polyps and cancerous growths inside the rectum and lower part of the colon. This is typically performed every five years with an annual FOBT test, or every 10 years with a FIT test every year.
  • Computed tomography (CT) colonography (or a virtual colonoscopy): A doctor uses X-rays and computers to create images of the entire colon for evaluation. This is performed every five years.
  • Colonoscopy: A doctor uses a thin, flexible, lighted tube to look for polyps and cancerous growths inside the rectum and the entire colon. During the procedure, the doctor can remove polyps or other growths they may find. This is typically performed every 10 years, assuming normal results for individuals who do not have an increased risk of colon cancer.
  • How often you should get it: The latest recommendations call for adults between the ages of 45 and 75 to be screened for colorectal cancer. After 75, screening decisions should be made on an individual basis. How often you should get tested varies based on the type of test you receive, and can range from every year to every 10 years. Depending on the results and the type of test used, the recommended follow-up frequency varies. If colorectal cancer runs in your family or you have other risk factors, you may be advised to be screened at a younger age or more frequently. Talk to your doctor about how often you should get tested, taking into consideration factors such as the test's effectiveness, cost and availability of screenings.

    The screening tests mentioned in this article are critical—but aren't comprehensive. Other important screening tests to prioritize can include STI screenings, BMI tests, mental health screenings and more. Screening tests, and their intervals, will vary based on your risk factors, and certain individuals might benefit from additional tests that can screen for everything from skin cancer to iron deficiencies.

    Talk to your doctor about what types of preventive screenings should be part of your healthcare routine—it's an important and crucial step in taking control of your health.

    Concepts Of Yearly Master Health Checkups

    A master health checkup is a comprehensive health screening used as a preventive measure in health care. Because of the high quality and affordability of health care in India, the country has become a leading destination for 'health' tourism. This means that many patients from overseas visit hospitals and clinics in India for treatment.

    A master health checkup is simply a spiced up and commercially packaged description of the annual or yearly checkup. Most health care experts and researchers feel that the concept of such annual health checks is in itself redundant. Nevertheless, periodic health checkups are still recommended because of the numerous benefits, although such tests do not need to be taken every year.

    The Good

    A master health checkup or periodic health check is useful as it can help detect and identify diseases or the warning signs of an impending disease very early. This makes treatment a lot more effective, less expensive and less invasive.

    In addition to detecting such diseases before a patient turns seriously ill, such periodic checkups also give you a detailed update on various health parameters like cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and body weight. This helps to gauge your overall health and it enables health care providers to assess health risks and advise you on lifestyle on dietary measures to counter such risks.

    The Bad

    Master health checkups typically comprise of an assortment of tests, many of which are believed to be unnecessary and have no known cost benefit. Make it a point to seek complete preventive health checkup services only in reputed hospitals and laboratories, as unnecessary tests like imaging with CT scans or MRIs will unnecessarily expose patients to radiation. Such tests are used when there is a specific risk or suspicion that the patient may suffer from a condition that can be detected through the imaging test. Similarly, there are many other tests that offer no known benefits for otherwise healthy adults.

    Your Responsibility

    When periodic health checkups or master health checkups comprise of the tests that are actually useful such testing is, in fact, an important aspect of preventive health care. The tests that are suited to each individual will vary slightly depending on age, gender, health status, pre-existing conditions, family history, lifestyle, diet, levels of activity and on whether you smoke. Before you sign up for or go for a master health checkup there are some things you should do:

  • Gather details about your family health history.
  • Check your medical records and find out if you are due for any screening tests or vaccinations.
  • Consult your general physician and provide him with your family history and vaccination information.
  • Get advice from your general physician on the tests you should do and the frequency with which they should be done.
  • Note down your concerns and seek clarification from your health care provider and the clinic that is conducting the health checkup.
  • A preventive health checkup may not seem like a good investment in terms of both time and money, but if you choose a master health checkup that is best suited for your needs it can make a world of difference.

    Diagnostic clinics and hospitals offer a variety of packages in terms of medical checkups and tests (from master or executive health checkups to health checkups specifically meant for endocrinal disorders or diabetes) but your family physician who has been your long term health care provider will be the best judge of which tests you need.

    Consult your doctor and choose the package that suits you best with his help. There are several advantages to going for regular health checks.


    These include:

  • A full body checkup or yearly physical checkup can be conducted by your doctor himself in most cases. This is the most important of all checkups and it really costs you little. It helps to cement a relationship with your primary health care provider and enables him to make better-informed decisions that suit your interests.
  • Many health conditions do not present immediate symptoms and you may feel great while the condition gradually progresses. Screening tests that are part of your health checkup can detect many such conditions and your health care provider will be able to tackle it before the condition even begins to affect you. This not only spares you any discomfort and long term consequences, but it also saves a great deal in terms of medical expenses.
  • Certain health parameters that are measured like blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar levels can be a good indicator of lifestyle diseases and the warning signs can be detected early enough to take preventive steps. In such cases, the savings are immense, both in terms of the financial burden of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart disease and also in terms of the quality of life.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies like vitamin D deficiency or iron deficiency, for example, may at times not be detected and will only be identified through such health checkups. Nutritional deficiencies can cause long term health complications and may also leave you more susceptible to certain health conditions.
  • Just as regular monitoring is essential to track the progress or remission of a disease or to keep a check on a patient's recovery, it is also helpful to health care providers when dealing with a medical emergency or the onset of a health condition. Having access to the patient's past medical records allows health care providers to chart a better course of action.
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    Important Tests

    While almost all health checkups include standard tests like blood pressure tests, lipid and glucose tests, there are some other tests that you should be aware of:

  • Men who are in their 50s or older should go for regular screening tests to check for prostate or colon cancer. A prostate examination or colonoscopy will be necessary to get that clean bill of health! As disturbing as a colonoscopy may sound, it is completely painless and will cause a lot less discomfort as compared to undiagnosed colorectal cancer.
  • Men who are in their 60s and 70s and have a history of smoking should go in for an ultrasound because of the risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm, a condition that shows no symptoms and can often be fatal.
  • Women who have crossed the age of 60 should go in for bone mineral density tests because of the high risk of osteoporosis. If you were a smoker or have a family history of osteoporosis you should get this test done regularly as soon as you've hit menopause.
  • Women who have touched 40 are advised to go in for mammograms to detect breast cancer. While physical examinations are also important and can help in the detection of breast cancer, physical examinations will only suffice while you're in your 20s and 30s. Both types of screening can detect breast cancer early enough to improve the survival rate by as much as 97 percent.
  • A Pap smear test is another test that every woman should have done, beginning at age 21. This will help detect any cervical or vaginal abnormalities and is especially important for women past the age of 50 because of the risk of cervical cancer.

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