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topical treatment for shingles itching :: Article Creator

Shingles Treatments Directory

Shingles treatments attempt to ease pain, inflammation, and prevent serious cases of shingles infection. Common treatments include pain relievers, antiviral drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and more drugs. Other home remedies include ice, aspiring, topical creams, vitamin E, aloe vera, and more. The shingles vaccine can help control or prevent shingles outbreaks. Follow the links below to find WebMD's comprehensive coverage about how shingles is treated, what medications are used, and much more.

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Understanding What Causes Shingles To Activate

People over 50 are most susceptible to developing shingles as the primary risk factor for shingles is a weakened immune system.

If you contract the chickenpox virus, also known as varicella-zoster, your illness will typically clear up in a week or two. However, this virus remains in your body even after you've recovered.

The virus lies dormant when your immune system is strong. But if something causes you to become immunocompromised, the virus can reactivate. This triggers shingles.

Shingles, known by its medical name herpes zoster, presents as a painful rash. It typically shows up on only one side of your body.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the chance of getting shingles at some point in your life is 1 in 3.

When you first contract the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), you'll get chickenpox. When you fight off this virus, your body creates immunity to it, so it's very rare to get chickenpox a second time.

However, that doesn't mean that your body rids itself of the virus entirely. Though a strong immune system will keep the virus inactive, it's still there for the rest of your life.

If your immune system becomes weakened or compromised, it's possible for this virus to reactivate. A painful shingles rash may result.

Prior to the development of the varicella vaccine, chickenpox was a common childhood illness. Most people were exposed to VZV in childhood and developed chickenpox in their younger years.

In fact, doctors once encouraged families to expose their kids to chickenpox at an early age — after age 10 or so, the disease can be much more severe. (You may remember "chickenpox parties," where parents actively tried to get their children to contract the virus.)

Adults who come down with chickenpox can experience serious and even life threatening complications like lung or brain infections.

These days, children and adults can receive the varicella vaccine. This weaker version of the live virus causes the body to launch an immune response so that it recognizes — and fights off — VZV in the future.

Getting a varicella vaccine appears to reduce the risk of shingles, but it isn't a guarantee against them. Though weakened, the virus does continue to stay in your body, so it's possible for it to reactivate and cause shingles. However, this is uncommon.

One study found that the rate of shingles infection was 78 percent lower in vaccinated children than unvaccinated children.

The varicella vaccine became available in 1995, so only time will tell its effects on the rates of shingles in older adults.

If you've had chickenpox or gotten the varicella vaccine, you can develop shingles.

According to the CDC, over 99 percent of people in the United States born before 1980 have had chickenpox or been exposed to VZV.

The primary risk factor associated with getting shingles is a weakened immune system. When your immune system isn't functioning properly, VZV can reactivate.

As you age, your immune system doesn't fight off invaders as well. Older age is associated with greater likelihood of health problems, including:

Starting around age 50, your chance of getting shingles goes up. The severity of the disease and the risk of complications also increase with age.

It's important to remember, too, that stress can negatively affect your immune system. There's been some interest in whether stressful life circumstances could weaken the immune system, leading to a shingles infection. However, research is contradictory and doesn't yet offer firm conclusions.

Shingles isn't a disease you "catch" in the traditional sense. It's usually a case of VZV reactivating in your system. But people who've never had chickenpox can develop shingles after coming into contact with the fluid from shingles blisters. Shingles are no longer contagious after these blisters have crusted over.

Typically, shingles shows up as a painful rash on an area of skin that is supplied by a single nerve. This area, regardless of its location on the body, is known as a dermatome. Look for these hallmarks of a shingles rash:

  • A band of blistering lesions may cover red, inflamed skin, often on one side of the torso or face.
  • Pain starts out feeling tingly or burning. Other common sensations include itching and numbness.
  • The pain progresses in severity over several days.
  • It feels like the pain is coming from the organs in your abdomen, like your heart, gallbladder, appendix, or kidneys.
  • Sometimes (though rarely) people experience severe pain without a rash, known as zoster sine herpete.
  • Some people also have other, more general symptoms, like:

    Shingles symptoms can last up to 4 weeks or longer.

    To diagnose shingles, your doctor will ask you some questions about your symptoms. These may include:

  • When did your symptoms start?
  • Which symptom did you notice first?
  • Are you experiencing pain?
  • Where are you having pain?
  • Have you had chickenpox?
  • Have you had the chickenpox vaccine?
  • Have you had the shingles vaccine?
  • They'll also evaluate your rash, looking at its pattern, appearance, and location. Doctors can usually diagnose shingles by its distinctive rash and unique symptoms.

    In rare cases, though, if your doctor is uncertain whether you have shingles, you may undergo a diagnostic test. Testing is more common for people with greater risk factors for complications, including:

  • people with a weakened immune system
  • pregnant people
  • newborns
  • To test for shingles, your doctor will use a swab to take a sample from a skin lesion. This will then be tested for VZV. A positive test indicates that you have shingles.

    How to feel better if you have shingles

    When you have shingles, you can feel better by trying the following:

  • Eat a balanced diet, get lots of rest, and try some gentle exercise.
  • Relieve pain and itching by soaking in a bathtub of lukewarm water and ground-up oatmeal.
  • Reduce pain and promote healing of lesions by applying a cool, wet washcloth or compress to the rash.
  • Do what you can to limit stress. A stressful lifestyle can weaken your immune system, worsening your symptoms.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes that won't irritate the rash.
  • Keep the lesions covered with a bandage. Prior to putting on the bandage, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to prevent irritation.
  • Although there's no cure for shingles, the good news is that it resolves on its own. Your doctor may recommend certain medications to alleviate pain or treat infection.

    Antiviral medication

    Three antiviral medications are used to treat shingles:

    Valacyclovir and famciclovir are taken three times per day. They're usually preferred over acyclovir, which must be taken five times a day.

    All three have a 7-day course if you have an uncomplicated case of shingles. If the shingles is complicated — if it's affecting your eyes, for example — your doctor will prescribe the medication for longer than 7 days.

    Antiviral medication can help:

  • you recover faster
  • limit the severity of your symptoms
  • reduce your risk for complications
  • Antiviral medications offer the most benefit for people over 50 and those who are immunocompromised, since these risk factors are associated with more persistent, severe shingles symptoms.

    It's best to start an antiviral while you're still developing new skin lesions, usually within 72 hours of noticing your first symptom. Antivirals won't be effective after your lesions have begun to crust over.

    Some people may need to take a longer course of antiviral medications or even be treated in the hospital with antivirals. This is more likely if you have the following:

  • a weakened immune system
  • a severe case of shingles
  • a high risk of complications
  • Some people experience shingles on the face. This can lead to serious complications, such as:

    Seek immediate medical attention if you think you have shingles on your face.

    Pain medication

    Mild shingles pain may improve with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Your doctor may recommend ibuprofen or acetaminophen or weak opioids, such as codeine or tramadol.

    Stronger prescription opioid pain medication, such as hydrocodone, may be prescribed to treat moderate to severe shingles pain.

    Another option is topical pain relievers, such as lidocaine. These are applied directly to your skin for relief. You can find topical pain relievers as ointments, creams, gels, sprays, or patches. Capsaicin, which comes in a cream or a patch, may also be helpful.

    Other medications that may be used for relief include:

  • diphenhydramine
  • hydroxyzine
  • calamine lotion to soothe itching
  • antibiotics, if a bacterial infection develops around the rash
  • Shingix (recombinant zoster vaccine) is currently the only shingles vaccine available in the United States. It's given to people over age 50.

    Previously, an additional vaccine, Zostavax, was used, but it was phased out in the United States as of November 2020.

    According to the CDC, two doses of Shingrix are over 90 percent effective at preventing shingles. You'll retain at least 85 percent protection for 4 years after being vaccinated.

    If you get shingles after being vaccinated, your symptoms will likely be less severe. You'll also have a lower chance of developing postherpetic neuralgia — a complication where pain remains even after a shingles rash goes away.

    Shingles usually follows a pattern of development. It typically progresses with the following symptoms:

  • First, you may notice a tingling or burning sensation in your skin.
  • One to 5 days later (or concurrent with the initial pain) a rash appears as small red spots.
  • Fluid-filled blisters develop a few days later.
  • After 7 to 10 days, the lesions crust over.
  • The rash disappears over the next 2 to 4 weeks.
  • In some cases, pain may persist for several months or even years after the rash has disappeared. This complication, known as postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), can be severe enough to affect your quality of life.

    Certain antiseizure medications can help manage the pain. Gabapentin and pregabalin are two that are commonly used.

    It's unlikely to get shingles more than once — but it's possible. That's why it's recommended to get the shingles vaccine at age 50 and older, even if you've already had the disease. Getting shingles three times is extremely rare.

    Shingles occurs when the varicella-zoster virus is reactivated due to a weakened immune system. This can create a painful, blistering rash. The risk of getting shingles goes up with age, with increased likelihood after age 50.

    Shingles often doesn't require treatment to make it go away, but some antiviral medications can help you recover faster and reduce your risk for complications.

    When Is Itchy Skin Serious? Everything To Know

    Autoimmune conditions, problems with the liver or kidneys, and other serious conditions may cause itchy skin. Treating the underlying cause may relieve itchy skin and other symptoms related to the condition.

    Doctors call itchy skin pruritus. The itchy skin may be due to mild allergies, reactions, or insect bites. However, serious conditions can also cause itching skin, so it is best that a person contacts a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and advice on treatments.

    This article explains which serious conditions can cause itchy skin and what other related symptoms they may include. It also discusses other causes of itchy skin, diagnosis, treatments, and more.

    Some serious health conditions may have symptoms of itchy skin.

    Chronic liver disease

    According to a 2019 study, pruritus is a common symptom in people with chronic liver disease. Itching may occur in liver diseases such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease.

    The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) advises that, when itching is a sign of liver disease, the itch often starts on the palms and soles and spreads to other parts of the body.

    Learn more about the symptoms of liver disease.

    Chronic kidney disease

    Itching is a common symptom of chronic kidney disease (CKD). According to a 2020 article, itchy skin with CKD is often associated with distress, depression, and reduced quality of life.

    According to Kidney Care UK, around half of people with advanced kidney disease experience itchy skin. It also affects most people who receive dialysis.

    Learn more about CKD.

    Autoimmune disease

    A 2019 review indicates that itching is a common symptom in some autoimmune diseases and autoimmune-associated skin conditions. These include:

    Depending on the condition, pruritus indicating autoimmune disease may be accompanied by inflamed skin that is scaly or blistered.

    Thyroid disease

    Itchy skin may be a symptom of thyroid disease. Thyroid disease refers to problems with the way the neck's thyroid gland works.

    Other symptoms of thyroid disease can vary from person to person, but they typically affect the hair, skin, and nails.

    Learn about thyroid disorders.

    Type 2 diabetes

    Itching can be a symptom of type 2 diabetes. Research suggests that it may be present in around 36% of people with type 2 diabetes.

    It may happen due to poor blood glucose control. The itch may be moderate or severe and commonly occurs in the following places:

    People describe the itching as:

  • burning
  • tingling
  • pinching
  • Learn more about the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

    Nerve problems

    The AAD states that, when a nerve isn't working correctly, it can cause itchy skin. Itchy skin may also develop if there's damage along a nerve due to a medical condition or an injury.

    This type of itch tends to occur in one place on the body and will often not present with a rash, except in the case of shingles, where a rash may develop after the initial itching.

    Other conditions that may cause itching associated with nerve damage include multiple sclerosis and stroke.


    Itching is an early symptom of shingles. It may be accompanied by pain and tingling.

    Following this, a blister-like rash of sores may develop, usually on one side of the body. It most often develops on the torso and the face.

    Someone may also have other symptoms such as:

    Learn more about shingles.


    According to a 2018 study of people with pruritus, the following types of cancer were most strongly associated with itchy skin:

    The authors note that most people with pruritus and malignancy diagnoses had no skin eruption. Some types of cancer, such as liver cancer and biliary cancer, are likely to cause itching due to slower bile flow, and doctors would not expect to see a skin eruption.

    In contrast, leukemia may have a higher rate of skin eruption, indicating an inflammatory reaction in the skin.


    Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction. It is a medical emergency.

    Anaphylaxis can cause itchy skin and a range of other symptoms. There are numerous possible triggers for anaphylaxis.

    Examples of common triggers include:

  • foods such as peanuts, milk, and seafood
  • insect stings, such as a bee or wasp sting
  • certain medications such as antibiotics
  • Learn more about anaphylaxis.

    Other than the more serious conditions already mentioned, there are many reasons that someone may have itchy skin.

    Skin conditions that can cause itchy skin include:

    Examples of other possible causes include:

    It is best for a person to contact a doctor for an accurate diagnosis if they have persistent, recurrent, or severely itchy skin.

    Other symptoms that may accompany itchy skin largely depend on the cause of the itching.

    However, the skin may be inflamed or have lesions, and it may bleed if someone scratches a lot.

    In addition, long-standing itching may affect some quality of life, disrupting their sleep and making it difficult to concentrate.

    It is best for a person to let a doctor know about any other symptoms they are experiencing alongside itchy skin. This can help the doctor to reach an accurate diagnosis and advise on the most appropriate treatment plan.

    A person may consider contacting a doctor if they have frequent or persistently itchy skin. It is also best to contact a doctor if other symptoms occur alongside itchy skin or if itching affects quality of life.

    The doctor may refer the individual to a board certified dermatologist for a diagnosis.

    Treatments can depend on the underlying cause of itchy skin. Doctors may recommend topical treatments such as creams and gels to relieve itching skin.

    In severe conditions such as CKD, doctors may prescribe drugs that work like neurotransmitters to reduce itching. Examples include gabapentin and pregabalin.

    To assist with reaching an accurate diagnosis, a doctor may begin by taking a full medical history, asking questions about symptoms, and performing a physical examination.

    They may then order tests to confirm the diagnosis or rule out other possible causes. These can include blood tests and a skin biopsy.

    In some cases, a doctor may also refer a person to a dermatologist for a diagnosis.

    Here are some more frequently asked questions about itchy skin.

    When should I be worried about itchy skin?

    If itchy skin is severe or intense, or if it persists, it is best to contact a doctor for advice. While the cause may not be serious, it is best to receive an accurate diagnosis to ensure the correct treatment.

    What part of the body itches with liver problems?

    Itching due to liver problems tends to start on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. It may then spread to other body parts.

    Why am I so itchy but have no rash?

    There are numerous possible causes of itchy skin without a rash. For example, nerve problems can cause itchiness without any visible rash. A doctor will be able to determine the cause of the itching.

    Learn more about itchy skin without a rash.

    There are many possible causes of itchy skin. Serious conditions such as liver disease, chronic kidney disease, and autoimmune conditions can cause itchy skin.

    Related symptoms can help a doctor to reach an accurate diagnosis. They may also order tests such as a blood test or skin biopsy to confirm the diagnosis or rule out the possible causes.

    It is best for a person to contact a doctor if they experience severe, persistent, or frequently itchy skin.


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