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Don't Call Them Boosters: Here's What To Know About The Flu And COVID Vaccines This Fall

Don't call them boosters.

They're vaccinations — both COVID and influenza mutate constantly, creating new strains for our immune systems to fight. New vaccinations are created to target the newer strains.

While flu vaccines are created each season, COVID's mutations are less predictable, and don't follow a linear annual path.

Flu season is emerging and, although the disease is not predicted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be as prominent as years past, doctors are urging people to get the vaccine.

This fall, doctors recommend both the flu and COVID vaccine. Patients can get flu and COVID-19 shots at the same time.

Dr. Oliver "Rocky" Mollère, an internal medicine and primary care provider at Ochsner Health in New Orleans, is seeing an uptick of COVID cases in Louisiana, but expects the flu season to not be as harsh — similar to previous flu seasons in the state. 

Last year, just 45% of adults got a flu vaccination and even fewer, 23%, got a COVID-19 shot in the United States. As of March, Louisiana averaged just over 70 daily hospitalizations from COVID and only 39.4% of residents reported receiving their seasonal flu vaccine.

Who needs a fall COVID-19 or flu vaccination?

The CDC urges both an updated COVID-19 shot and yearly flu vaccine for everyone ages 6 months and older. If you recently had COVID-19, you can wait two or three months but still should get an updated vaccination because of the expected winter surge.

Both viruses can be especially dangerous to certain groups, including older people and those with weak immune systems and lung or heart disease. Young children also are more vulnerable. The CDC counted 199 child deaths from flu last year.

"Receiving the vaccine can lower the chance that you catch the flu, but it's not perfect," Mollère said. "The real benefit of taking the flu vaccine to the individual is that it will have a very large impact to reduce the chance that someone gets so sick that they end up in the hospital or die from the flu."

Pregnancy also increases the chances of serious COVID-19 or flu — and vaccination guards mom plus ensures the newborn has some protection, too.

Mollère recommends getting the flu vaccine for everyone who is eligible.

"There's not a great way for me as a physician to predict who's going to have just a 'feel really bad and have an unpleasant kind of 10 to 14 days' or who's going to get so sick that they end up in the hospital or die," Mollère said.

What's new about the COVID-19 shots?

Last fall's shots targeted a coronavirus strain that's no longer spreading while this year's are tailored to a new section of the coronavirus family tree. The Pfizer and Moderna shots are formulated against a virus subtype called KP.2 while the Novavax vaccine targets its parent strain, JN.1. Daskalakis said all should offer good cross protection to other subtypes now spreading.

The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines can be used by adults and children as young as 6 months. The Novavax shot is a more traditional protein vaccine combined with an immune booster, and open to anyone 12 and older.

Which flu vaccine to choose?

High-dose shots and one with a special immune booster are designed for people 65 and older, but if they can't find one easily they can choose a regular all-ages flu shot.

For the shot-averse, the nasal spray FluMist is available for ages 2 to 49 at pharmacies and clinics — although next year it's set to be available for use at home.

All flu vaccinations this year will guard against two Type A flu strains and one Type B strain. Another once-common form of Type B flu quit spreading a few years ago and was removed from the vaccine.

What will it cost?

The vaccines are supposed to be free under Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans if people use an in-network provider.

About 1.5 million uninsured adults got free COVID-19 vaccinations through a federal program last year but that has ended. Instead, the CDC is providing $62 million to health departments to help improve access. 

Check government websites for availability at local pharmacies.

The Staggering Success Of Vaccines

This article is part of "Innovations In: Solutions for Health Equity," an editorially independent special report that was produced with financial support from Takeda Pharmaceuticals.

Once a week, early in the morning, community health worker Kiden Josephine Francis Laja mounts her bicycle and pedals as far as 10 miles away from her small village in South Sudan. Some weeks Laja is doing outreach, spending her day educating a community about which vaccines she can provide and what diseases they prevent. "It's my responsibility to tell the mothers to bring the children for vaccination," she says. She answers their questions and lets them know she'll be back, usually the following week, to vaccinate their children. Late in the evening she mounts her bike and heads home.

When Laja returns with the vaccines, kept in a cooler with ice packs, she will spend the day immunizing anywhere from a few to 200 children against a range of diseases: polio, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis B, influenza, bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis and, more recently, COVID. Most people in high-income countries haven't seen these diseases in decades, but the people of South Sudan know them well. Many have seen family and friends die from them.

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During the rest of the week Laja works at the community health center in her village of Pure, monitoring the solar-powered refrigerator and the vials inside. She vaccinates anyone who comes to the facility and metes out drugs for a few maladies such as ulcers, malaria and typhoid. But the village doesn't have antibiotics—or electricity. Villagers grow their own food, raise goats and chickens, and get their water from wells in the ground.

It's not easy work for just $102 a month, especially when it sometimes takes three months for the 25-year-old mother of two to get her pay. When it rains on travel days, she and her outreach pamphlets get soaked. She must regularly check the temperature of the vials in the cooler and replace the ice packs at just the right time to ensure the vaccines don't go bad.

People in South Sudan don't have much, but they have this program. "Vaccines are very important to me and my community and even to my country," Laja says. During a large outbreak of measles that began in 2022 in the country, thousands of children suffered from the disease, and many died, leading to a nationwide vaccination campaign in 2023. "Now in our community you cannot find cases of measles," she says.

Around the globe the measles vaccine has saved nearly 94 million lives over the past 50 years. This and other vaccinations have revolutionized global health. "Immunization is the most universal innovation that we have across humankind," says Orin Levine, a fellow at the Center for Global Development in Washington, D.C. He notes that there are people around the world without access to telephones or even toilets, but they find ways to get their children immunized. "It's the innovation that demonstrates what is possible in terms of delivery of service to everyone everywhere."

A May study in the Lancet estimated that vaccines against 14 common pathogens have saved 154 million lives over the past five decades—at a rate of six lives every minute. They have cut infant mortality by 40 percent globally and by more than 50 percent in Africa. Throughout history vaccines have saved more lives than almost any other intervention. And vaccines' promotion of health equity goes far beyond preventing death. The Lancet study found that each life saved through immunization resulted in an average 66 years of full health, without the long-term problems that many diseases cause. Vaccines play a role in nearly every measurement of health equity, from improving access to care, to reducing disability and long-term morbidity, to preventing loss of labor and the death of caretakers.

"Vaccines level the playing field....But frankly, it was a really long road to get to that kind of equity."

—Nicole Lurie Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations

"We say vaccines are one of humanity's great achievements in terms of having furthered the lifespan and life quality for humanity in the past 50 years," says Aurélia Nguyen, chief program officer at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, a public-private partnership that works to ensure low- and middle-income countries have access to vaccines against more than 20 infectious diseases. Of all the different health interventions that exist, she says, "vaccines have the widest reach across the world." The clearest evidence of vaccines' impact on equity is that they are often the first intervention introduced into a community with no other health-care resources.

"When you don't have a health worker or health system, there's nothing. If you have no money, then you want the best bang for the buck, and it's going to be immunization," says Seth Berkley, former CEO of Gavi. "For every dollar you invest in immunization, you get $54 of benefit. From a cost-effectiveness point of view, it's the best investment, so it tends to be the intervention that gets out to those communities first. And once you do that, you have a health worker who's visiting those communities on a regular basis, and then that begins to start the conversation toward more primary health care, and that leads to getting a basic clinic set up. Immunization is the vanguard of the health system."

Every country in the world has an immunization program thanks to the World Health Organization's Expanded Program on Immunization, which was established in 1974. "Every single country and territory" has access to at least some vaccines, says Kate O'Brien, director of the WHO's immunization, vaccines and biologicals department. Poverty, malnutrition, underlying health conditions, overcrowding, human conflict, displacement, and lack of access to medical care, hygiene or sanitation—all of these are risk factors for infectious disease, O'Brien says. Vaccines' ability to reduce disease in the settings most plagued by these problems gives them disproportionate power to improve equity.

There may be no greater demonstration of vaccines' power to deliver health equity than their success with smallpox. "The magnitude of the accomplishment of having eradicated smallpox, where absolutely nobody on this earth gets the disease," O'Brien says, "that's the ultimate in the issue of equity."

A version of a smallpox vaccine was developed in 1796, and in 1959 global health experts decided to pursue full eradication. In the decade that followed, it became clear that such an ambitious goal would require more than political will. Although smallpox had been eliminated from North America and Europe, frequent outbreaks continued in South America, Africa and Asia.

In 1967 the WHO started its Intensified Eradication Program, which prompted a series of innovations. The bifurcated needle, which was developed around that time, allowed for smaller doses and required less user expertise for vaccine delivery than the previously favored jet injector. Researchers created a surveillance system to better track disease and vaccinate close contacts of infected people, making mass vaccination campaigns more effective. The last documented case of smallpox occurred in Somalia in 1977, and the WHO declared smallpox officially eradicated three years later.

That success inspired a similarly lofty goal in 1988 that has proved far more challenging: eradicating polio. Since the establishment of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, cases have fallen 99 percent worldwide, but that last 1 percent is taking decades longer than planned. Public health experts now recognize that very few diseases can be completely eradicated through immunizations. Even so, they aim to decrease vaccine-preventable diseases to such low levels that severe morbidity and mortality are negligible. The WHO's renamed Essential Program on Immunization initially focused on six childhood diseases: polio; measles; disseminated tuberculosis, the form of the disease most common in children; and diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, for which children receive the combined DTP vaccine. It has now expanded to include vaccines against 13 diseases.

A series of charts show number of deaths averted because of vaccines between 1974 and 2024 for measles, tetanus, pertussis, TB, Hib, Poliomyelitis, diphtheria, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, Neisseria meningitidis, rotavirus, rubella, pneumococcal disease and yellow fever. The Lancet study estimated that 154 million deaths were averted—95 percent of which would have been of children under five years old.

Jen Christiansen (styling); Source: "Contribution of Vaccination to Improved Survival and Health: Modelling 50 Years of the Expanded Programme on Immunization," by Andrew J. Shattock et al., in Lancet, Vol. 403; May 25, 2024

Charts show number of deaths averted because of vaccines between 1974 and 2024, broken down by four categories: low-income, lower- to middle-income, middle- to upper-income, and high-income countries. Vaccines have an outsized impact on preventing deaths in low- and middle-income countries where infectious disease remains a top killer.

Jen Christiansen (styling); Source: "Contribution of Vaccination to Improved Survival and Health: Modelling 50 Years of the Expanded Programme on Immunization," by Andrew J. Shattock et al., in Lancet, Vol. 403; May 25, 2024

"We have to look backward, in some ways, to realize how far we've really gone," says Lois Privor-Dumm of Johns Hopkins University, who recently retired from her role as a senior research associate. "There has been tremendous progress over the past 50 years, and what is really left is making sure the equity agenda is really a focus."

Now the question is how best to do it. A raft of technological and policy innovations aim to help. Before the WHO's current vaccination program began, fewer than 5 percent of the world's babies had access to routine immunizations. Today 84 percent of infants have received three doses of the DTP vaccine, the metric used to assess global immunization coverage.

"[Vaccines] level the playing field in terms of who gets these diseases and who doesn't," says Nicole Lurie, U.S. Director of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a foundation formed specifically to develop and improve access to vaccines for diseases that lack strong market demand. "But frankly, it was a really long road to get to that kind of equity."

Setbacks through the 1990s led global health leaders to rethink their approach, and in 2000 Gavi was founded collaboratively by the WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Gates Foundation. Thanks to Gavi, says Violaine Mitchell, director of immunization at the Gates Foundation, "now countries not only assume but demand that when a vaccine is introduced in the developed world, it's also made available in the developing world."

Gavi has vaccinated more than one billion children with a routine suite of shots and given a total of 1.8 billion immunizations to people of all ages through campaigns for illnesses such as measles in Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Somalia and yellow fever in Congo, averting more than 17 million deaths through 2022. Since Gavi was established, there has been a 70 percent reduction in deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases in children living in the lower-income countries the alliance supports, and mortality among children younger than five years in those countries has been halved. The pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines have been particularly significant—pneumonia and diarrhea are among the top global killers of children under five.

But even those impressive numbers don't fully capture the dramatic ways vaccines advance health equity. For example, epidemics of meningococcal meningitis were common in the "meningitis belt," a stretch of 26 countries just south of the Sahara desert that has the highest rates of meningococcal disease in the world. Up to half of those infected die without treatment; even with treatment, one in 10 people dies. Since the development and distribution of a vaccine against meningitis A, this form of the disease has been nearly eliminated. The vaccine has not only saved lives but prevented long-term effects that meningitis survivors often suffer, including hearing loss, seizures, limb amputations or weakness, scarring, vision problems and cognitive difficulties.

Another example is the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which can prevent up to 90 percent of HPV-related cancers, including nearly all cervical cancer. Because high-income countries implemented cervical cancer screening programs decades ago, 94 percent of global deaths from cervical cancer in 2022 were in low- and middle-­income countries. Gavi programs have vaccinated more than 16 million girls worldwide against HPV, and the organization aims to vaccinate 86 million by 2025. The physical benefits won't be seen for years—it takes up to two decades for an HPV infection to develop into cancer—but the ripple effects of prevention go far beyond saving a single person's life. A death from cervical cancer may mean loss of a family caretaker, loss of income and difficulty meeting children's continuing health needs. "The tsunami effect of losing a mother to children, especially for those who are not economically stable, is devastating to a family," O'Brien says. "Their lives are entirely dependent on the survival of that person."

Vaccination can be a key entry point to additional health care. William Foege, a former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who was instrumental in leading smallpox eradication and in setting up Gavi, called vaccines "the tugboat" for preventive care.

When health workers arrive to vaccinate children in a community, they can assess other children's growth trajectories and nutritional issues, provide vitamin A supplements where there are deficiencies, distribute deworming tablets, monitor mosquito-borne diseases and check on additional needs. "If you manage to reach a child and give them a measles vaccine, then you may be able to give their mother maternal services," Nguyen says. "It's a perfect time to say: Are you sleeping under a bed net? Do you need a bed net? What are you doing for family planning?" Mitchell says. "All those conversations can come about because of the contact between the caregiver and the health worker that wouldn't [otherwise] happen."

In 1985 Rotary International launched its PolioPlus program, which used vaccination campaigns as an opening for other health interventions. "When Rotary and its partners added other things to improve the health systems of countries, it was a game changer," says Stella Anyangwe, a Rotary International EndPolioNow coordinator and former WHO official. By strengthening laboratory systems, the cold-chain network of refrigerated storage necessary for transporting the vaccine, and overall disease surveillance, she says, improving systems for polio eradication "strengthened the health systems in general." In short, Levine says, "immunization is an innovation that is pulling other innovations along."

It can also free up valuable time and resources in health care. As infectious disease incidence falls, health workers and hospital beds become available for people with other conditions. This may already be happening with malaria. In Burkina Faso, about two out of every five visits to a healthcare provider are for malaria, which historically accounts for more than 60 percent of the country's hospitalizations. Similarly, malaria cases make up about half of hospitalizations in Cameroon; most of those patients are children under five who are eligible for the malaria vaccine. Although current malaria vaccines don't prevent infection altogether, they reduce severe disease by 30 percent and all-cause mortality by 13 percent. Gavi began rolling out vaccination campaigns against malaria last year, providing 18 million doses to a dozen African countries, and malaria deaths have already begun falling. "You can imagine how much that's going to free up capacity for health-care workers to focus on other [issues]," Nguyen says.

Vaccines help countries with fewer resources protect themselves from disease. Outbreaks disproportionately affect poorer areas: the 2014–2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa, for example, devastated the region's health-care infrastructure. Since the development of an Ebola vaccine in the late 2010s, subsequent outbreaks have remained comparatively small. And the current outbreak of mpox [see "History Lessons," by Charles Ebikeme], which led the WHO to declare a global public health emergency in August, is being managed with vaccines that became available only in the past few years.

Gavi now supports stockpiles of outbreak-specific vaccines for cholera, yellow fever, meningococcal disease and Ebola so the countries most affected can focus their health-care resources on chronic disease, snakebites, cancer and HIV, among other conditions.

In late 2019, when a novel coronavirus detected in Wuhan, China, kicked off one of the largest, deadliest pandemics in a century, everyone looked to the same solution: a vaccine. COVID's devastation hit poorer countries with less developed health-care systems particularly hard, and in wealthier countries people from underserved and low-income communities suffered higher rates of illness, death and economic hardship. It was clear that a COVID vaccine would be the most equitable solution.

The U.S. Quickly directed $10 billion toward vaccine development, and dozens of other countries allocated what they could. The effort broke every record for the fastest vaccine development. The Chinese CDC released the sequence of SARS-CoV-2 on January 10, 2020, and just 11 months later, on December 8, 2020, the first COVID vaccine was administered outside of a clinical trial.

Officials at Gavi, UNICEF, WHO and CEPI quickly organized Covax, an international effort to accelerate COVID vaccine development and "to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world," according to the WHO. Covax delivered nearly two billion vaccines to more than 140 countries in the two years after the vaccines' introduction, "by far the fastest, largest and most effective public health roll-out in history," a Gavi spokesperson says. A 2022 study in the Lancet Infectious Diseases estimates that COVID vaccination worldwide prevented 19.8 million excess deaths, 7.4 million of those in Covax countries.

The challenges were steep and vaccine distribution contentious. "At no point did a richer country with access to vaccine doses choose to slow down its rollout to make doses available for people at higher risk in lower-income countries," Levine says. "That's vaccine nationalism, and it undermined the success of hardworking folks at Covax."

Those problems have prompted a lot of reflection and a lot of new action. The organizations behind Covax have now set their sights on improving vaccine equity during future pandemics. Because Africa lacked vaccine access and had few manufacturing capabilities of its own, the new efforts are particularly focused on boosting the continent's vaccine-manufacturing capabilities. The Africa CDC has partnered with other organizations to create the Partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing with a goal of making 60 percent of its needed vaccines by 2040. In June 2024 Gavi launched the African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator, a financing program developed with the Africa CDC and African Union to put up to $1.2 billion over the next decade toward building up the continent's vaccine-manufacturing capacity.

In the almost 25 years since Gavi was launched, it has made substantial progress in advancing equity in vaccine manufacturing. In 2000 four of its five vaccine suppliers were in wealthy countries. Today most of its 20 or so suppliers are in developing countries. "It opened up a marketplace for large-scale, low-cost manufacturing in India, in Brazil, in China and in Indonesia," says Berkley, former Gavi CEO.

It will still be immensely challenging to get vaccines into the arms and mouths of people who need them most. Health workers must find and immunize zero-dose children—children who have yet to receive vaccines of any kind, like the ones Laja sees in South Sudan. And low-income countries must acquire the financing and build the infrastructure to facilitate that process. Then Laja and her peers must educate people so fear does not become a barrier to access.

Workers such as Laja are part of the global workforce that the WHO, Gavi, UNICEF, the Gates Foundation, Rotary, and other organizations have trained to use vaccines against disease and health disparities. Earlier this year Laja completed training in preparation for South Sudan's malaria-vaccine rollout. In 2022 there were almost 7,000 malaria deaths in South Sudan, and the disease is the top killer of young children in the country. The previous year South Sudan's malaria fatalities accounted for more than 1.2 percent of the total worldwide.

Laja is eager to see the vaccines' impact on her community and in the villages she visits, where parents will walk for miles from outlying areas to meet her. "There are very few things women and caretakers will walk hours and hours for, but vaccines are still one of them," says Mitchell of the Gates Foundation. "People will literally drop everything to come and vaccinate their child."

'I Would Still Receive Another Rather Than No Vaccine At All': Chronically Ill People Left With Little Choice

Christopher Leighton, a retired radiation oncologist in Ontario, is among the thousands of chronically ill individuals who would have preferred an alternative to the reformulated mRNA vaccines that will become available across the country this week.

Though the most recent formulation of Nuvaxovid, the brand name for the Novavax vaccine, was approved by Health Canada for those aged 12 years and up, the federal government says it has only purchased Pfizer and Moderna's mRNA vaccines for the fall vaccination program.

"Because I have an underlying autoimmune condition, I've had a pretty intense immune reaction to certain vaccines, so I was interested in exploring Novavax as an option," Leighton says, adding that that one of the times he received an mRNA vaccine, he got a terrible fever and his arm swelled up "like a baseball" for about a week. He also experienced an exacerbation in his existing neuro-immune symptoms. "It worsened to the point where I needed to take prednisone to dampen it down."

Though Canada will be receiving up to 19 million doses of mRNA vaccines: "Canada's current contract with Novavax only provides access to domestically manufactured vaccines, which Novavax has been unable to confirm for the 2024/25 season," Health Canada spokesperson Nicholas Janveau told CBC.

More than three years after Ottawa announced that it had found a partner to make domestic COVID-19 vaccines, Novavax Inc. Has yet to produce any at the Biologics Manufacturing Centre in Montreal. The facility was built with nearly $130 million in federal funds and completed in the summer of 2021. Although it is unclear why the facility has yet to produce a vaccine, some experts speculate it has to do with Novavax's inability to gain a foothold to compete with the mRNA vaccines in the global market.

When Leighton reached out to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) in late August to ask about Novavax's availability, he was told that the government would not be purchasing the vaccine internationally due to low demand, and that "individuals who are unable to receive an mRNA vaccine should speak with their health-care provider about treatment options, including… the use of Paxlovid to reduce the duration and severity of illness."

"I was looking forward to having a change, but obviously Paxlovid isn't the equivalent to a vaccine and preventing an infection should be the ultimate goal of a vaccine strategy." When Leighton shared the response from the PHAC on X, he says the reaction he received from others was "surprising."

A quick scroll through social media reveals that Leighton is far from the only one to express a preference for the Novavax vaccine. Many people, particularly those with autoimmune conditions and other forms of chronic illness, have anecdotally reported experiencing fewer side effects, among other reasons.

"Some people may feel more comfortable with it because Novavax is similar to other childhood vaccines," says Leighton, adding that misinformation about the mRNA vaccines have likely also contributed to the hesitation some people are feeling. "There's just more familiarity with that type of vaccine."

What is Novavax?

Research indicates that Novavax is as safe as the mRNA vaccines, though they are created using a different vaccine technology.

Novavax is a protein-based vaccine, which means that, like with many traditional vaccines, it contains a small amount of the protein that would be found on or inside the virus or pathogen. "It's just a piece of the virus training our immune system to fight off the whole virus when we see it," says Alyson Kelvin, virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan.

The mRNA vaccines on the other hand, contain the genetic code that is found inside of that protein. "Instead of growing the protein in a lab, we give the genetic code to our [bodies through the vaccine], that then use our own cells to produce that protein and train our immune systems."

Kelvin says that a drawback to protein-based vaccines is that they take much longer to develop than the mRNA vaccines.

The 2024 Novavax vaccine targets the JN.1 variant, the variant that was dominant earlier in the year, but currently makes up less than 3 per cent of new cases. JN.1 was also the "parent" variant to the newer KP.2 and KP.3 sub variants that the mRNA vaccines have been formulated against. The KP.3 variant now makes up nearly 60 per cent of cases.

"I think it's really important in the current vaccine landscape to give people a choice."

Despite its decreased prevalence, various posts on X claim that the JN.1-targeted Novavax could actually be more effective than vaccines catered to target newer strains. But according to Kelvin, "it could go either way. It could be more protective because there are cross-reactive antibodies that are elicited with the JN.1 vaccine, or it could be a mismatch," she says. "That's something that's really difficult to assess at this point. We just won't know until the vaccines have been distributed and we can do efficacy studies."

So far, a few studies have corroborated what some have shared anecdotally online – that Novavax seems to produce fewer of the already typically mild side effects, such as lower fever, fatigue and pain.

In either case, Kelvin says, people shouldn't be concerned with taking either as any side effects are generally very mild – so much so that some studies have shown that they can even be difficult to interpret.

Despite the questions that remain about how the two vaccine types will stack up against one another, Kelvin says, "I think it's really important in the current vaccine landscape to give people a choice."

Still nothing from domestic manufacturers

When asked why Novavax would not be procured by the federal government this fall, PHAC told Healthy Debate that "only 5,529 doses of Novavax were administered" in Canada last year.

PHAC added that "Novavax indicated that any new procurement of internationally produced doses for the JN.1 strain by the Government of Canada would require a minimum order which far exceeds previous or projected demand."

Leighton says that he suspects the low demand is likely in-part due to a lack of awareness. "I don't believe my public health unit was providing [Novavax] last year, and if they were, they didn't advertise it," he says. "The comment I've heard from a lot of people is that they didn't know where they could get it."

PHAC also told Healthy Debate that the "provinces and territories may choose to procure the vaccine directly from Novavax from supply produced in India for their fall vaccination campaigns."

But Leighton adds that "there's some irony in that there's supposedly a contract to produce Novavax in Canada that Health Canada is funding. But as far as we know, they have yet to ever produce a vaccine."

Although there may be select stock of Novavax available in Canada despite the federal government's decision, as of now it seems unlikely. As of Oct. 1, several provinces – including Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, P.E.I. And Newfoundland and Labrador – confirmed to The Canadian Press that they will not place orders for the Novavax vaccine.

Leighton says it's important that everyone make their own decisions based on consultations with their health-care provider.  "I feel for me it's an educated guess and there's no assurance my reaction would be milder [with Novavax]. It's more of a hope," he adds, "I've had around six [mRNA vaccines] at this point, and even with my history of dreadful immune responses to those, I would still receive another rather than no vaccine at all."


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