The CDC Owns Patents on 56 Vaccines - Anti Aging News

321  2 Posted on Dec 28, 2018, 6 p.m.

The CDC would appear to some to be a vaccine company as it owns patents to 56 vaccines, which should  be seen as a grave conflict of interest.

Recent events have put a spot light on a $30 billion a year industry. 1) The President announced a plan to establish a commission chaired by Robert F. Kennedy Jr to investigate vaccine safety and its scientific integrity; and 2) RFK and Robert De Niro announced a $100,000 reward to any one who could scientifically and conclusively prove the safety of thimerosal mercury in vaccines.

These events have fueled a veritable storm from the mainstream media who have labelled them as vaccine skeptics or anti-vaccine despite their repeated objections and insistence that they are pro-vaccine and have had their own children vaccinated. Their very specific concern revolves around the volume of vaccines being added to the CDC’s childhood immunization schedule and the presence of mercury in many of these vaccines.

Since the CDC determines the immunization schedule any failure to comply means that children can be refused admittance to public schools. Some are now suggesting that this schedule merits closer scrutiny as the agency has doubled the number of vaccines required since the 1980s with close to 40 doses now being required before the age of 2; coincidentally the CDC also suggests that the numbers of autism have increased 10 fold and asthma has more than doubled in that same period.

Busy defending the vaccine industry the media has been labeling any who dare to ask questions as anti-science and a risk to public health, but while doing this they have managed to avoid broadcasting a somewhat glaring conflict of interest which should be making headlines: The CDC’s relationship with and direct involvement with the vaccine industry.

Take a moment to look at the CDC claims about its own Immunization Safety Office: “Sound immunization policies affecting children and adults in the U.S. depend on continuous monitoring of the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. CDC uses many strategies to assess vaccine safety, to identify health problems possibly related to vaccines, and to conduct studies that help determine whether a health problem is caused by a specific vaccine. CDC also works with other federal government agencies and other stakeholders to determine the appropriate public health response to vaccine safety concerns and to communicate the benefits and risks of vaccines.”

If the above claims were true this would mean that the CDC would have to be 100% divorced from the vaccine industry which it is policing, yet this is not the case at all.

RFK has been consistently derided by the media for his claims of the CDC holding patents on over 20 vaccines. Ginger Taylor of Green Med Info recently asked Mark Blaxill who is an Intellectual Property expert to determine exactly how many of such patents the CDC does in fact own to either confirm or refute RFK’s allegations.

The CDC does not have 20 patents, Blaxill found much to the media’s surprise that the CDC has been granted 57 vaccine patents, but one did not seem to be directly applicable to a vaccine making the official number to be reduced to 56 vaccine patents which include patents on vaccines for flu, rotavirus, Hepatitis A, SARS, gastroenteritis, Pheumococcal disease, and a vaccine to be used for Zika among the many others.

Is this not a conflict of interest, at the very least this is appointing the wolf to guard the sheep. With this conflict of interest paired with RFK’s recent court cases findings on safety violations how can anyone trust the CDC to genuinely assess the safety of a vaccine when you consider it cost at least half a billion to develop one and they clearly have a vested interest in getting these vaccines to market?

This has been summed up accurately by Barbara Loe Fisher who is president of the National Vaccine Information Center when she said : “The CDC has a very hard time investigating in an unbiased way what is happening to children because of ideological and financial conflicts of interests.”

When will it be time for the media to stop parroting whatever information is fed to them by the CDC and vaccine industry and start to hold them accountable for the possible damage they have inflicted; and more importantly when will the sheeople public take off their blinders.


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